Wordpress plugin integration on website Wordpress plugin integration on website

As you already know, group has constantly been working to make it easy for the partners to use its services, so that the process of collaboration becomes flexible.  This time offers a ready-made  plugin  that you can directly add to your wordpress website. If you had to use the service via API integration for E-commerce websites  before, now this process has become faster and easier: you can get your crypto payments  via ready-made plugin. 

There are several steps to complete the  integration: platform side:

  1. Register to and visit the personal cabinet of the company;
  2. Go to the “Products” page;
  3. Choose Order and create a Token;
  4. Copy the IP address , cancel, success and callback URL in IP whitelist to create Token;
  5. Save a generated access token to paste it while working on the wordpress side;
  6. You will also need a Customer ID which you can find in the upper right corner of the CityPay cabinet.



Wordpress admin panel side:

Plugin instalation:

1. Go to the wordpress admin panel, find “” in plugin manager (Plugins > Add New > Search plugins) and install;



2. Find a plugin  on WooCommerce/settings/Payment page and click on “manage”;



3. Insert the following data to the manage-page:



Title - a name that is given on order page;

Description - description text  that will be shown on payment page;

Button text - text for payment button ( for ex: “payment”);

Test mode (radio button) - mark test-mode activation button;

Customer ID – check the upper right corner of CityPay cabinet;

Access Token - indicate the token code that was mentioned in CityPay platform side.


That’s it! you’re done! Having followed these steps you have successfully connected a plugin to your online shop. Now you can get your crypto payments from anywhere in the world. 

In case of any questions, the technical support group of is always ready to help you:

Good luck!